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NoveList Plus is a readers’ advisory service that provides access to detailed descriptions of over 155,000 fiction titles. It also offers a wide range of feature content to serve fiction readers of all ages, including author read-alikes, book discussion guides, reading lists and more.

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SIRS Discoverer is an editorially curated reference database that supports the teaching and learning of basic research skills in primary and secondary education.

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Transparent Language Online provides an effective and engaging experience for language learners looking to build their vocabulary, practice their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and maintain what they learn. Transparent Language Online can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on almost any device.

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Activity Corner offers thousands of activities with easy, clear instructions, photographs, illustrations, and more. Every activity also contains a list of materials for easy reference and can be printed, e-mailed, or saved in its entirety to your personal computer.

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The World Book Web is a suite of online research tools that includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related Web sites. Includes:

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